Case Studies
Patrol Boat Waterjet Analysis
NavCad’s waterjet performance model exposes efficiency (from the published curves), which identified that the proposed waterjet was inefficient at the intended operating speeds.
Lift Foils – Advanced eFoil Propeller and Shroud Design
Lift Foils of Puerto Rico is considered the inventor of the “eFoil” propeller-driven hydrofoil board – an electric-powered futuristic personal watercraft (The Wall Street Journal, “Surfers Want to Transform Your Commute with Hydrofoils”).
Jaia Robotics – The Little Bot That Could
JaiaBots are micro-sized AUVs for aquatic data collection from Jaia Robotics LLC. HydroComp utilized our NavCad and PropElements software to assist with the development of a compact propulsion system and hull form improvements.
MST – JetBoots
JetBoots are a personal propulsion system for divers from Mazin Submersible Technology, Inc. MST contracted with HydroComp for the development of a new propulsor for their JetBoots version 4 to increase thrust and reduce motor demand.
White Papers
Bollard Pull
Technical report breaks down bollard pull into rating, thrust and towpull.
Blade Area Ratio Defined
Technical report defines blade area ratio as the parameter used to define the size of a propellor blade to its diameter.
Definition of Section Offsets in PropCad
This report expands on the coordinate specifications used to define propeller blade section offsets in PropCad. Procedures to convert data from other formats are presented.
Definition of Propeller Tunnels for PropExpert
Propeller tunnels can have a major impact on propulsion, speed, and power. This artcile helps define tunnel geometry and when tunnel corrections should be considered.
When Does Shallow Water Become a Problem?
This report is written to help determine when shallow water becomes a problem. During sea trial analyses, users of NavCad and PropExpert have encountered situations where the drag and power were much greater than expected.
Estimating Propeller Forces for Blade Strength Analysis
This report provides a simple model for the estimate of ppropeller forces suitable for use in structural analysis.
Import CAD File for PropCad Premium 2018
The latest release of PropCad 2018 Premium Edition includes a new utility to simplify the extraction of propeller features from full 3D CAD files. This new feature drastically reduces the time and effort to recreate an existing propeller.
Hull Speed
Technical report looks at the number of characteristics that affect the magnitude and location of the hull speed hump.
Propeller Inspection with PropCad 2018
PropCad has many valuable features for propeller inspection. As of 2018, all editions of PropCad include several inspection documents that summarize the design data and inspection locations for propeller technicians.
Predicting Resistance and Power for an Integrated Tug/Barge Using NavCad
The force available to overcome the vessel inertia is the possible thrust less the vessel’s resistance. Mass is the vessel weight with a multiplier for the added mass of entrained water that moves with the hull.
Singing Propellers
This report will try to introduce what – in our opinion – is the likely cause of singing, as well as to offer some guidance regarding ways to eliminate singing from a propeller.
Reconstruct Existing Designs with Scan Converter
The Scan Converter utility, which is now a part of PropCad Premium, is used to extract propeller parameters such as pitch, chord, skew, rake, and thickness using 3D data points collected from a physical propeller.
Tips for Predicting Speed with PropExpert
There are some strategies that you can use to reliably predict speed. This white paper includes a few suggestions to help you consistently get an accurate speed prediction with PropExpert.
The Three Modes of Cavitating Performance
Technical report examines three modes of cavitating performance: sub-, trans- and super-cavitating.
Electric Motors for Propulsion
This presentation discusses the impact of electric motors on vessel performance and propeller selection.
NavCad Demonstrates Success at ASNE MACC
Showcase of NavCad’s equilibrium physics simulation model of planing, with prediction results comparable or better than any code tested.
Improving Effectiveness of CFD Self-propulsion Analysis with a Proxy Propeller and Engine Constraints
HydroComp takes part in a study to evaluate and improve maneuvering capabilities for a Canadian Coast Guard Special Navaids Vessel.
Propeller CAD File Import
This webinar demonstrates how design features can be extracted from an existing propeller CAD file and then used for new design variants of product development. A new utility in PropCad Premium helps propeller designers and builders to extract, understand, and visualize the design data from a 3D CAD file.
Reliable Speed Prediction: Propulsion Analysis and a Calculation Example
This paper will discuss propulsion relationships and our ability to predict how power is converted into thrust for a given application.
Pairing of Multi-Order Tools for Practical and Effective System Simulation
Donald MacPherson discusses how HydroComp software can be utilized in conjunction with CFD to employ multi-ordering modeling when CFD alone is not the optimum choice.
HydroComp NavCad and PropElements: Guardrails for CFD
Our Technical Director discusses how HydroComp software can be utilized as companion tools for CFD to help you achieve the best outcomes.
The “KISS Principle” & Managing, Measuring Ship Emissions
Don MacPherson, HydroComp’s long-tenured Technical Director, discusses the impacts of tightening emissions regulations, with insights on maximizing new vessel designs and refits.
Efficient Design-Stage Investigation of EEXI Compliance
Little needs to be said regarding the impact that EEXI (the Energy Efficient Existing Ship Index) will have on industry. While it is somewhat controversial in many circles, the regulations are in force. The immediate challenge is how you comply.
Underwater Radiated Noise – What’s Missing for Design
The time is now to incorporate URN assessment in design planning. It is a critical missing piece of the larger and notable objective of reducing the environmental damage caused by propeller-driven underwater radiated noise.
Practical ‘Designer-Guided’ Hull Form Optimization
Through the application of a ‘designer-guided’ optimization strategy, naval architects can evaluate proposed hull form geometry both in parametric and distributed volume domains.
Contemporary UUV Propulsor Design
Unmanned underwater vehicle have their own set of propulsor design requirements related to their various missions, such as battery life (or the greatest distance traveled for the battery budget), maximum body diameter, and more.
Employing HydroComp NavCad for Optimized Design
HydroComp NavCad, internationally recognized for resistance and propulsion prediction for naval architects, can also leverage analysis capabilities with features that support optimized hull form and propulsion system design.
Understanding and Optimizing Vessel Propulsive Power and Fuel Use Using Duty Cycle Analysis Computations
This paper discusses a rational, simple, and effective systems engineering approach to identify power and fuel demands via computational propulsion analysis of the individual operating modes of a vessel’s duty cycle.
The need for (understanding) speed
To what level of detail should naval architects be evaluating propeller performance? Donald MacPherson, technical director of HydroComp Inc, puts the case for more active engagement.
Wake-adapted design and propeller analysis for naval architects
The hydrodynamic design and analysis of marine propellers occurs along a broad spectrum of detail nad complexity. Naval architects use system-level software for propeller analysis, but wake-adapted tools help realize benefits from custom propellers.
A ‘tool chain’ for hydrodynamic analysis workflow
Hydrodynamic analysis is an evolutionary process that requires inter-related tools to strike the ideal balance between facility and precision, explains HydroComp’s Don McPherson.
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Learn more about HydroComp! HydroComp, Inc. was established in 1984 to provide powering analysis services to naval architects and shipbuilders. Best known for our award-winning NavCad® software, HydroComp is regarded as the premier source for performance prediction software, consulting, and knowledge..
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